Lighting Installation
Mikulka Electric Specializes in Lighting Installation. From Monmouth County Exterior Lighting to Interior Lighting, Mikulka has the skills, experience and knowledge to properly install or repair anything you may have in mind! For over 25 years, Mikulka has been the most trusted name in Lighting installation. Whether you want to install pathway lights or garden lights at your home or business facility, we have the skills and lighting materials to get the job done right. Mikulka Electric makes outdoor Lighting easy and affordable for homeowners and business owners in the Monroe, Marlboro and Holmdel, New Jersey areas.
Lighting Installation Blog
Mikulka takes much pride in the superb reputation that they have built and provide satisfactory services for each and every lighting installation project that they do nomatter how big or small. We have provided this blog as a way to provide the community with free information regarding lighting and related electrical services. We encourage you to look through these articles ti glean helpful information!

Holmdel Parking Lot Lighting
Looking for the best Holmdel Parking Lot Lighting? Mikulka Electric, Inc. has the best commercial electrical services. A parking lot with good lighting adds security and protection to all employees, customers and clients. When you have a low-quality lighting in the...
Marlboro LED Outdoor Lighting
Looking for the best Marlboro LED Outdoor Lighting? Whether you are looking for interior or exterior lighting, Mikulka Electric, Inc. is the one to call. Led lighting has swept the conventional lighting market for many reasons. Some reasons are extended lifespan and...Freehold Parking Lot Lighting
Parking lots are infinite oases of nothing and everything, depending upon the time of day and popularity of a store. The parking lot of a low-price store can be a battle zone that would make the city of Troy weep. But an expensive fast food joint opposite a cheap fast...
Freehold Commercial LED Outdoor Lighting
Looking for the best Freehold Commercial LED Outdoor Lighting? Whether you need interior and exterior lighting, Mikulka Electric, inc. is your best bet. There are some major benefits in using LED lighting for your business. A business owner is always looking for ways...