Most electric fireplaces come ready to use straight from the manufacturer’s box or may require an easy install.  Installation can be compared to hanging a big or long canvas painting.  The majority of this process can be accomplished by one person capable of following manufacturer’s instructions and skilled enough to use some tools if assembly is required.  We recommend using a professional only if you are installing a built-in electric fireplace, as this will require hard wiring.


Electric Fireplaces

Most electric fireplaces are ready to use right out of the box; they simply need a standard 3-prong grounded 120-volt outlet with power.  If you are hard wiring a built in fireplace, we recommend using a certified electrician.  No permits are needed for either installation.



Electric fireplaces are 100% efficient, and cost significantly less than gas fireplaces to operate.  The flame effect is equivalent in cost and power usage of a lamp.  Unlike gas or wood fireplaces, warmth is not lost to ventilation, so 100% of the contained heat is utilized.  Making electric fireplaces less costly and more efficient than gas and wood-burning fireplaces to operate.  Electric fireplaces are also money savers because there is no need for expensive gas or costly wood logs for a traditional fireplace set-up.  These units can also be perfect for supplemental heating throughout the housewarming certain zones, allowing you to lower/adjust the central thermostat for utility bill savings.


Heating elements

Most electric fireplaces come with a heating element, but they can be used with or without heat.  This means you will be able to enjoy the beautiful fireplace ambiance at all times of the year, even when you do not need to heat your room.  Outdoor electric fireplaces typically do not come with a heater, although one may be purchased separately. The only part of the fireplace that gets hot is the area around the blower when the heat is turned on.  Before performing any cleaning or maintenance on your electric fireplace, make sure the blower is completely cool.


Contact us

Mikulka Electricians are always professional and efficient.   Insured and trained to do the job right the first time.  Experts in the field of electrics with over 25 years’ experience.  Prepared with up-front pricing and a lifetime guarantee.  We observe all personal protective equipment and COVID 19 requirements to keep our staff and your family safe.  Our team of experts will respond immediately to your call for help.  Call Mikulka Electric, Inc. for a wide range of electrical services, including indoor and outdoor lighting, electrical heating, electrical repairs, and back-up generators.  We service the Central New Jersey area.  Address 275 RT. 79 Morganville, NJ 07751

Phone 855-645-8552 or 855-MIKULKA


Ground Switches